Instant Bitumen Cold Mix Pre-packaged ready to use
Instant Bitumen Coldmix is a 7mm graded bituminous pre-mix asphalt and is ready for immediate use. As supplied to Councils and Authorities.
It is a quality, easy to use, cost effective product – no contractor required.
Where to use Bitumen Coldmix Asphalt
Repairs, Driveways, Trenches, Pot-Holes, Carparks and Footpaths.
How to use it
- Broom base free of weeds, dust and loose screenings.
- Compact base if required using Instant Bitumen Hand Rammer or equivalent.
- Apply Instant Bitumen Bonding Agent.
- Break Instant Bitumen Coldmix up thoroughly before opening bag (leave in sun for 20 minutes for easier usage).
- Spread with shovel.
- Rake or screed Cold mix to required level and shape. (For a 25mm compacted depth allow 5mm extra for compaction.)
- Compact surface using Instant Bitumen Hand Rammer for small areas. Vibrating plate or roller is recommended for larger areas.
Note: Once compacted the surface can be walked on immediately but should be treated carefully for 24-48 hours until curing is completed. The pavement will become progressively harder. The finished surface should be left proud to allow for further compaction.
Instant Bitumen Cold Mix Spread rate
Instant Bitumen Coldmix comes in 20kg bags.
One bag will cover approximately 0.35m square at a 25mm compacted depth.